Saturday, December 28, 2019

World Cup woes

World Cup woesWorld Cup woesIts less than a week after the Satyam saga began unfolding, and already were finding some pretty major potential ramifications that stretch up to five years into the future. CNBC SportsBiz blogger Darren Rovell reports that the company had signed on as the official IT sponsor of soccers quadrennial gala event, the FIFA World Cup - a verstndigung im strafverfahren that now seems in not a little danger of falling apart. Rovell notes that the company had struck a deal to sponsor both the 2010 tournament in South Africa (an event already mired in enough corruption and controversy of its own) and the 2014 event in Brazil. With sponsorship deals going at around $90 million per tournament, its difficult to see any other IT firm stepping up to the plate with a similar deal in this economic climate, leaving a substantial hole in the budget of one of the most-watched sporting events in the world. Guess that means the folks at FIFA will have to cross their fingers an d hope for extra sales of stuffed Zakumi dolls, the tournaments official mascot. -Posted by Phil Stott

Monday, December 23, 2019

Why some people succeed almost all the time

Why some people succeed almost all the timeWhy some people succeed almost all the timeWhen it comes to success, its easy to think that people who are blessed with brains are the ones who will make it to the top. Common sense suggests that being smart inspires confidence. It does for awhile, but only while the going is easy.The deciding factor in success is how you handle setbacks and challenges. People who are convivial and pleasant even in hard times tend to attract the right people around them. With the right people come the right opportunities.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThere is a reason why some people succeed almost all the time, and it has little to do with being smart. Instead, they develop personal habits that carry them through setbacks and challenges. They usemental toughnessto master the art of discipline and become the right person at the right time.Here is a li st of personal habits for you to cultivate as well1. Forget Self-ImprovementThe reason why some people succeed almost all the time is because they understand their core strengths. They dont welcheste precious time trying to fix their weaknesses. Too much popular self-improvement tries to build up a skill set or talent that is lacking.Identify your strong character strengths and skill sets. Think about how you might use those strengths at work, in relationships, and at home. Youre also less likely to experience depression and other anxiety.TIP Bask in what is already great about yourself rather than try to fix what is not.2. Savor Me TimeThe reason why some people succeed almost all the time is because they understand the value of time. They direct their efforts toward the most important things in their life. It is important that they impose effective time management skills and learn how to say no.They prioritize whatneedsto be done from what would beniceto get done. People who savor me time are very good at cutting out toxic relationships that add no value. Small acts of self-care do not need to take up giant blocks of time. But it is important to allow yourself to indulge in the stuff that brings you joy.TIP Spend a little time and write down the things that bring a smile to your face. Find ways to incorporate these small acts of joy into your daily life.3. Develop A Back-Up PlanThe reason why some people succeed almost all the time is because they dont leave things to chance. They have a back-up plan- for just about everything. From electrical outages to failed business plans, they create strategies that will help them move forward.One of my favorite lines comes fromThe Eiger Sanction, a movie starring Clint Eastwood in which 5 men plan to climb the Eiger in Switzerland. Eastwood asks one of the climbers about the back-up plan in case they need to retreat. The climber replies, I consider it self-defeating to plan in terms of retreat. Eastwoods character resp onds with, I consider it stupid not to.Have a Plan B, because if Plan A is derailed, you can land on your feet and move right into Plan B. You might get blindsided by new competition, new regulations, or a turn in the economy.TIP Always have a Plan B to fall back on when things go wrong. And have other people available to help you execute it when the time comes.4. Know What Makes Them TickThe reason why some people succeed almost all the time is because they pursue things that bring them value and meaning. Theyve figured out what makes them tick and they go for it. They edit the stuff that detracts from their pursuit.Often, they make an extra effort to educate themselves about different issues and topics. This doesnt mean they have loads of formal education, but they are curious.Most likely, curiosity is what alerted them to their passion in the first place.TIP Find something that provides you with value and meaning. It might be related to your job, or it might not. It isnt always i mportant to get paid. But do put your gift to use.5. Unafraid Of The UnknownThere was a shepherd boy named David. He was not a warrior and he was small in size. David looked at a giant named Goliath and said I will strike you down and cut off your head. That is exactly what he did. Challenges are only as big as we make them.The runt of the litter takes on the giant. We love stories of the underdog who musters the courage and confidence to find ways of beating the oddsAccording to the story, David ran toward the giant. As Goliath moved in for the kill, David noticed a gap in the armor that protected Goliaths head. David reached into his bag and slung one of his stones. It struck on the forehead, the giant fell down on the ground.TIP To increase safety, move toward the unknown. When David moved closer to the threat, he was able to see where and how to strike. Opportunities not seen from a distance were made visible as he pressed forward.6. Cultivate KindnessThe reason why some people succeed almost all the time is because other people like being around them. They attract other people who succeed almost all the timeBeing a do-gooder can increase your level of contentment. It doesnt have to be anything big, but small acts of kindness can change your mental outlook. If the man standing behind you in the grocery line looks hungry and is buying one item, let him go ahead of you. Give someone a compliment.What goes around comes around. If you are kind to others, theres a decent chance youre kind to yourself as well.TIP Try this 10-second exercise fromChade-Meng Tan. Identify two people in your office and think, I wish for these two people to be happy and content. Dont say or do anything else. Since no one else knows what youre doing, theres no risk of embarrassment. It turns out that being on the giving end of a kind thought is rewarding in and of itself.This article first appeared on

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

6 Tips to Integrate New Grads Into the Workforce

6 Tips to Integrate New Grads Into the Workforce6 Tips to Integrate New Grads Into the WorkforceWeve recently been profiling Simply Hireds real-world dive into just what it takes to successfully integrate new grads into the workforce. Its undisputed that developing quality talent from within not only saves on costs, it also fosters a more dynamic, interactive and teamwork focused workforce. Adding in younger employees into companies also help foster much-needed changes, bringing in new ideas in everything from process to health and benefits. All this means that newly minted graduates who are introduced into entry-level positions should be considered as part of a companys most valuable resources.The corresponding problem, however, is that most graduates are woefully unprepared to start out in a 9-5 job, much less a professional career. With this dichotomy, what then are employers to do in order to maximize the potential advantages while ensuring their new grads become productive team members?Enter SimplyHireds detailed profiling of our team of new college grads who joined the ranks of corporate headquarters in Sunnyvale, California. In this follow up video to the popular series we follow up with the recent grads to discover how theyve adapted to work several months in. Interesting takeaways for employers should focus on the changing goals of the employees as they get a dose of real-world experience as well as their anfangsbuchstabe reactions to life on the job. Check out the video for insights that could help influence your recent grad onboarding program.The New GradsDillon W.Anna E.Justin C.Joy C.Dylan R.Samantha P.Nick K.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

7 Alumni Networking Donts

7 Alumni Networking Donts7 Alumni Networking DontsAvoid these missteps to be sure you are using your alumni network effectively in your job search.One piece of advice that just about every career resource out there gives Tap into your alumni network.Have you ever noticed no one gives you tips on exactly how to do so? So this networking advice - without additional guidance about how to access your alumni network properly (what to ask, and what to avoid) - leads most people to gain little help from an alumni network.A large parte of the problem stems from changes in the job market and hiring practices. Prior to 2007, there were candidate shortages, so random networking was mora effective. When there were candidate shortages, you could make lots of mistakes, you could use terribly ineffective techniques and still find a job. A job search during candidate shortages was so easy, basically anyone could find a job.In addition, many random networking techniques worked then because employ ers had formal and informal policies to interview every candidate who was referred by an internal employee - qualified candidates were hard to come by and at least someone within the company was saying nice things. Many of these policies were eliminated due to changes in government regulations. Rather than choosing interviewees based on who the candidate knew, employers realized they could avoid disastrous government penalties by running all resumes through an applicant tracking system (ATS), selecting applicants based on more objective criteria.The reason that there are so many networking missteps is simply because youve never been told they were mistakes - they used to work, mistake or not. Fortunately, theres a better way, which Ill show you. First, lets start by identifying common mistakes job seekers make when reaching out to alumni networksSpamming alumni networks Sending your resume to everyone on an alumni list used to work well, when employers automatically gave interview s to anyone recommended by an inside employee. Today, it gets you into the same ATS as if you applied through a job board. Worse, youre spamming your network, because most alumni on your list dont know you personally.Dont network with alumni randomly Years ago, people would welcome calls from fellow alumni because it was a way to connect to their past. Today, these lists are so overused and over-marketed that calls from fellow alumni are met with mistrust. Attempting to network where there isnt a clear connection beyond the university where you and hundreds of thousands of others studied wont establish much initial trust or help in a job search.Dont behave this way at alumni networking events Dont bring resumes to alumni events. Dont ask for help. Dont share your job search frustrations or war stories. Dont network randomly.Dont act desperately When you share your job search issues, challenges or even goals with a fellow alum who doesnt know you personally, you start to sound a lit tle desperate. This can make the person on the other end of the conversation uncomfortable, especially if they dont have an immediate solution to your problem. Put yourself in the other persons shoes If youre busy and the conversation makes you uncomfortable, would you want to stay on the phone?Dont ask for help before building trust Dont ask for help before youve provided something of value, which builds trust. When you start out asking someone you dont know for help, even if you share the same alma mater, you erode trust rather than build it. Youve heard the phrase Give before you get, right?Dont just ask for a job Asking an alum for a job nearly always fails. You dont know if that individual is a hiring manager, nor do you know if they have any openings. Even if that alum is a hiring manager with openings that for which youre qualified, youre asking for a job based primarily on your shared school - bad move. Most employers have policies directing employees and hiring managers to send candidates to HR. The question itself is a waste of their time. Why waste their time and ruin a potentially valuable connection from the start? There is much more value that a fellow alum can provide than just directing you to a website - why not concentrate on that?Dont ask alumni for help they arent able to give People dont like to admit that they cant help - it makes them feel powerless and uncomfortable. Even if you manage to stumble upon an alum who is a hiring manager with a current opening that youre qualified to fill, the hiring manager is supposed to direct you to the company websites career section or to HR. More likely, your alumni contact isnt the right hiring manager and may not be able to direct you to the correct hiring manager. Remember, they dont know you and youre asking them to break policy and risk their own career.This list of donts should open your eyes to just how much effective job search networking techniques have changed in the past few years.

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Incredible Details About Resume Templates Examples That Some People Dont Know About

The Incredible Details About Resume Templates Examples That Some People Dont Know About How to Choose Resume Templates Examples Customize your document for each and every profession posting youre applying to. Below, you will locate a list of resume examples that could aid you with your work search. Sample resume objectives should be utilized as references, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. Ensure you highlight technical wisdom and certifications. Resume Templates Examples - Is it a Scam? Speaking of unique, the principal purpose of your resume is to make you stick out from the remainder of the folks applying for the exact same job and another means to create that happen is to use action verbs and power words (also called resume verbs). Most people today look at writing a resume as just something youve got to do to have a job. Understanding how to stspecies can be the largest challenge and looking at examples can be quite beneficial. The issue is, a great dea l of people dont see it like an species formrather an obligation. Resume Templates Examples and Resume Templates Examples - The Perfect Combination Returning-to-work job seekers have even a larger challenge for they need to overcome the stigma thats frequently associated with being unemployed. If you would like to catch the interest of the hiring manager, you need to give them what they want. Whether youre applying for work, a grant, or using your resume to construct your own client base, a skilled and well-organized resume is advised. Both resumes and web sites are made to showcase an individual or company in the very best light possible. But What About Resume Templates Examples? Updating your resume manually every time you wish to submit an application for a new position is hard. Its critical to choose the suitable one for you. Chronological resumes are the ideal place to highlight your accomplishments. You might also see nursing resume template Sample resume objectives can be employed by anybody who is making a resume. List any relevant skills you might have, and also point out that youre a quick learner and will readily pick up any crucial skills during training. Fortunately, every prosperous career path starts with the perfect resume. Understanding how to tailor your resume will obviously provide you an advantage. You should also chat about past experience. Any work-related experience is going to do. You are able to then note your most relevant expert experience. The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Templates Examples Basic doesnt need to mean boring, as you will notice in the wide selection of free basic resume templates we offer. An elegant resume template is comparable to good packaging since it ought to be attractive and inviting. On the web site youll find samples together with CV templates and models which can be downloaded at no cost. You will see the format comprising various resume sections. A Startling Fact about Resume Templates Examples Uncovered Begin with a well-formatted document and be sure it has been proofread. The upcoming free resume template welches made in the shape of a brochure. Its significant to choose the appropriate resume template to spotlight all your attributes. You may choose the template for the place you must apply. Resume templates exist to create your life simpler. Infact, samples of Chronological Resume Templates can serve as it is to finish a resume which could be further employed for job application purposes. Review the file carefully to be certain your formatting is preserved. Youre able to download the totally free template here. The Meaning of Resume Templates Examples Utilizing resume maker computer software program is the right option when looking for work out there at present. If youre utilizing a template to construct your resume, be sure to customize it to fit the organization and your circumstance. Resume software allows you to create a creative resume that c ould convince the hiring company. Resume software should enable you to link your CV to a number of social networking platforms. The Ugly Side of Resume Templates Examples Make sure that its directly about the career field youre in or the job youre applying for. Possessing a strong resume will permit you find numerous great jobs. So, all the advice about how to compose a resume still stands. Writing a resume for employment in the art industry can be difficult. Your job (while youre attempting to find a job) is to be sure you fit what theyre searching for. Each time you put in an application for a new job, check your resume to guarantee that it is not only targeted, but in addition current. Then again, lets say the exact same job requires you to be creative and bold. Whether you would like to submit an application for a designers job in a creative agency, or want to submit an application for a hot job in a major bank, professional resumes are going to have you covered.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Writing Resume Objective for Internal Job Reviews & Guide

Writing Resume Objective for Internal Job Reviews & Guide The Number One Question You Must Ask for Writing Resume Objective for Internal Job If dont have any work experience or whether you simply graduated from college, youre going to be searching for entry level type jobs. At precisely the same time, you need to emphasize the skills that would cause you to be a valuable accession to that individuals teamjust as you would in a resume for an outside firm. When youre asking for work, your very first purpose is to let employers know your abilities and talents align with the demands of their open position. You are also able to get a feeling of the internal language used within a specific industry or company. Key Pieces of Writing Resume Objective for Internal Job One of the hazards of a resume objective is that it is possible to focus too much on what you would like in your career, and not enough on how youll add value to the provider. Your objective statement should commun icate with the possible employer that youll be in a position to perform your basic responsibilities without incident and that youll be a big asset to the team. An objective must be personally-tailored to the employer. Ultimately, stating it is optional, but it can help convince employers that you know what you want and are familiar with the industry. A resume objective can explain why youre qualified for the job, even should you not own a lot of related experience. When youre crafting your resume objective, you should concentrate on particular abilities and experiences which are directly associated with the job. My purpose is to find the job. The absolute fruchtwein efficient objective is one which is tailored to the job youre applying for. Where to Find Writing Resume Objective for Internal Job Spend some time matching your qualifications to the job to make certain youre including the proper keyword phrases and abilities. As a result, while your resume objective should inc orporate information on the career you want, you also wish to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. Whenever you wish to emphasize that youre ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skills for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. It is often as easy as stating your preferred job title, or it may show where you are, and where you aspire to go in your career. If youre trying for one specific field, nevertheless, your objective doesnt need to be much different. Resume objectives can be somewhat controversial. This clarity of purpose is subsequently supported by the details that follow in the remainder of your resume. As a guideline, you dont need to use each and every bit of the formula for your resume objective. Remember the objective of the objective statement is to acquire the recruiter interested enough to learn more about the remainder of your resume. To answer that question, you will need to learn how to compose an objective statement that could sum up all the strongest points of your resume inside a few sentences. The statement needs to be capped at two to three sentences and showcase relevant data, such as professional certifications or accomplishments which may be missed by somebody skimming the remainder of the resume. You need to have five objective statements. Whichever of these options you choose to do, put it towards the peak of your resume, beneath your name and contact info. As a consequence, the resume may be put under file. A strong federal resume objective at the cover of the page could offer you a competitive advantage over other applicants. Request a copy of the work description and review all the functions and duties.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Craft An Effective Federal Government Resume With These Tips

Craft An Effective Federal Government Resume With These TipsCraft An Effective Federal Government Resume With These TipsCraft An Effective Federal Government Resume With These TipsApplying for federal government positions is not easy. It can also be a rather tedious process. However, fortunately there are many useful resources that can assist you with creating a resume for such positions.In this article, we will have a look at a few tips that can help you to highlight your strengths. They will also help you to stand out from others who are applying for federal government positions.Understand The Position You Are Applying For.All resumes must be tailored for the specific position that you are applying for. All federal positions will profiled information about the position and what they are looking for in a suitable candidate.Be OrganizedGive yourself plenty of time to be organized. Creating a federal resume will require certain information that may take some time to include on your re sume. Allowing yourself to be organized will help make process easier for you. There is certain information that must be included on federal government resumes. These includeAny career achievements you have madeEducation.Your belastung Performance Appraisal and SF-50. Only if you have been a past federal employee or are currently one.Contact details of past and current employers.A list of responsibilities you had in each position.Any training you were required to do.Awards.Extra documents that may have been requested in the advertisement.Contact details of past and current supervisors.Job titles or series.Salary or GS level and step.Be Concise And Comprehensive.Federal resumes need to contain as much information as you can give about your accomplishments, past duties and your skills. Federal resumes are often between two and five pages. Particularly for an entry-level position. Dont be afraid to be as concise and comprehensive as you can.Make Sure You Are Suitably Qualified For The Position.Federal government positions require candidates to be suitably qualified. There are two forms of qualifications that are required. The first qualification is minimally qualified and highly qualified. When your application is received, you will be placed into a suitable category out of Best qualified, well qualified, and qualified.Always Include Important Information.There are specific important information that must be included in a federal government resume. These includeCandidate Information such as contact details, the last four digits of social security number, and the country that you reside in. You will also need to state that you have not been employed by the federal government before.Work Experience Information should also be included. Provide as much information as you can about your roles including contact details if you have received permission to do so.Education All forms of education should be included. It does not matter what it is. Schools, degrees, and cours e details should be provided.Other Tips.When you are detailing your past accomplishments and duties, be sure to use specific metrics. Such metrics should include data, percentages and numbers where possible.Always save a copy of your Resume. Saving a copy of your resume will allow you to refer back to it when required. Others may ask you for it as well.Be concise, but detailed. Never include information that will not be relevant to the position that you are applying for. Rather, provide as much information as you can about what is relevant to the position. Dont be afraid to be concise, but detailed.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Industries With Difficult Job Interviews, and Tips to Succeed

Industries With Difficult Job Interviews, and Tips to SucceedIndustries With Difficult Job Interviews, and Tips to Succeed4A recent Glassdoor report assessed which industries are mora likely to require demanding bewerbungsinterviews that can stress out almost any potential hire. The analysis by Glassdoor Economic Research looked at six factors to determine the likelihood that job candidates would face difficult job interviews, based on a sampling of 250,000 interview reviews. Those factors are1. The screening process.The Glassdoor research took into account interview screens like group panel interviews, background checks, skills tests, IQ tests, drug tests, and one-on-one interview sessions.2. Employer type.Aside from technology and consulting sectors, the list below details the most difficult industries for job interviews- with the medical profession leading the way.3. Company size.The larger the company, the more likely the prospect of difficult interviews for prospective hires, th e data showed.4. Gender of job candidate.Good news employers grilled male and female job candidates equally, the research showed. Whats more, there welches little difference in how difficult men viewed job interviews, compared to their female counterparts.5. Education. Job candidates with advanced degrees reported being subjected to more difficult interviews than less educated applicants.6. Age.Older workersweremore likely to perceive that job interviews were tough, even after controlling for job title, education and industry, according to Glassdoor.Taking the research into account, what are the toughest industries for job interviewing? compared the Glassdoor industry list with the job categories in our database that offer remote, part-time, freelance, alternative scheduling, and other flexible work options.Here are some industries with difficult job interviews for candidatesMedicalAccording to Glassdoor, jobs at hospitals top the list for difficult interviews, with interviews rank ing 9.7 percent more harder than average, compared to other industries.NonprofitThe nonprofit sector- categorized as nonprofit and philanthropical in the database- ranked just behind hospitals and the medical industry for difficult interviews. Glassdoor ranked job interviews at nonprofit organizations as 9.6 percent more difficult compared to other sectors.EducationThe Glassdoor research found that school employees encountered a significantly more difficult than average job interview process. On average, educators were subjected to an interview that was 8.1 percent more difficult.Public CompaniesThis broad category in the Glassdoor research would potentially encompass publicly traded companies across many sectors. The interview process at public companies is 6.4 percent more difficult, on average, compared to all other industries.Private CompaniesGlassdoor found that privately held companies subjected potential hires to comparatively difficult interview- on average, some 4.8 percen t more difficult than other industries surveyed.The employers that have the easiest interview processes, Glassdoor found, are government, franchise employers, and a category Glassdoor called contract worker employers.Facing a difficult interview? Here are some tips to help you succeedTheres a simple approach to consider if youre anticipating a difficult interview for a job you really want be prepared. That means not just dressing the part, but getting your ducks in a row so you come off as knowledgeable, confident, and a potentially great hire. Here are a fewjob interviewing tips to consider to help you ace the interviewResearch the company.Its always a great idea to research a company before your job interview. If your industry is one of those listed above, where interviews are notably tougher, thats all the more reason to get up to speed on your potential new employer.Listen to the question- and answer it.Seems simple enough, but its totally possibly that nervousness will make you talk too much, or even miss the point of the question being asked. Be focused, in the moment, and succinct in your interview responses.Know the company culture.Beyond knowing the facts and figures about a company, its in your best interest to assess company culture to understand whether working for the organization is a good fit for you.Get your zen on.In other words, no matter how nervous you might be, take a deep breath and work to be more personable, whether the interview is in person, by phone, or by videoconference platform.Ready to ace your interview and start your new flexible job? Begin your job search here.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Top trends in Pittsburgh Hiring

Top trends in Pittsburgh HiringTop trends in Pittsburgh HiringTop trends in Pittsburgh HiringIntelligence dug into whos hiring and for what in Pittsburgh these days. If youre recruiting in this area, youll want to know what we found.mucksmuschenstill nicknamed The Steel City, Pittsburgh is at the forefront of medical research and computer and robotics technologies today. Once referred to as the smoky city and hell with the lid off because of its sooty factories, Pittsburgh has emerged as a modern success story offering a diversified economy focused on services, medicine, higher education, tourism, finance, and high technology. The biggest drivers of job growth are Pittsburghs leisure and hospitality, education, professional, and healthcare industries. The area has created 6,800 new jobs over the past 12-months the unemployment rate was 5.8% in June 2016 which was 0.9 percentage points above the national rate of 4.9%.By June 2016, 1.2 million workers were employed in Pittsburgh, and t he area accounts for 25% of all Pennsylvania jobs posted on Monster. To give you some insight into what your recruiting competitors are up to, our Intelligence team analyzed data from the CEB TalentNeuron tool to identify which companies are posting the most jobs, and which jobs are most listed, and which jobs are most searched. notlage surprising, a diverse range of positions similar to many US markets are most in-demand in the Pittsburgh area that includes truck drivers, registered nurses, retail workers, and customer service representatives.What are companies hiring for?Most Common Employment in PittsburghAdministrative SupervisorsRetail SupervisorsExecutivesFood and Serving SupervisorsPostsecondary TeachersMost In-Demand Jobs in PittsburghTruck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-trailerRegistered Nurses (RNs)Retail abverkaufpersonsSupervisors, Retail SalesCustomer Service RepresentativesPittsburgh Jobs41% of available Pittsburgh jobs are for Healthcare, Sales, and Technology workersOf a ll open healthcare positions, 52% of available Healthcare jobs are for NursesOf all open sales positions, 41% of available Sales jobs are for RetailOf all open technology positions, 31% of available Technology jobs are for Software EngineersMost Common Pittsburgh Jobs IncludeTruck Drivers, Heavy and Tractor-trailer employed 12,770Annual wage $42,770Registered Nurses employed 31,250Annual wage $63,110Retail Salespersons employed 38,390Annual wage $26,310Supervisors, Retail Sales employed 8,230Annual wage $44,460What are job seekers looking for?Most viewed Pittsburgh jobsSecretaries and Administrative AssistantsSales Representatives, Wholesale and ManufacturingCustomer Service RepresentativesMiscellaneous Managers (e.g., General Managers, Community Service Managers, etc.)Miscellaneous Engineers (e.g., Validation Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers, etc.)Top Pittsburgh job searchesAccountingAdministrative AssistantPart TimeSalesReceptionistHuman ResourcesCustomer ServiceManagerEducation AdministrativeWant to know more about the top trends in Pittsburgh hiring? Check out the Pittsburgh Market Overview from Intelligence.Data finding are based on analysis of all available online jobs reported by the TalentNeuron tool and job seeking activity from more than 22 million unique visitors1.1comScore Media Metrix, 1Q 2016, 3-month average, (includes all US Mobile + PC traffic)