Friday, May 8, 2020

Networking HOWs - Virtual Networking -

Networking HOWs - Virtual Networking - If you havent read my previous  blogs  about  networking, look at the Categories section to your right and click on Networking. Practical Tips  to Help  Optimize  Your Online Network   The possibilities to connect are endless:   Blogs, networking sites  such as and large and small social networks provide opportunities to meet professionals from every industry.   How  should you take advantage of the possibilities? Blogs Identify  the key bloggers in your industry.   Who has their finger on the pulse  of your  working world?   Read their blogs  and, whenever possible, make intelligent comments and suggestions.  Ã‚  Simply agreeing or saying nice post doesnt count!   Take some time to try to add to the conversation.   When you become a regular contributor, you will begin to form a community of people who recognize  you and value your opinions. Consider authoring your own blog!   The Wall Street Journal article, How Blogs are Changing the Recruiting Landscape, reports that one recruitment manager spends one to two hours a week searching blogs for potential hires.   In three years, blogs helped him fill 125 corporate jobs. Only take this on if you are willing to work at putting together  something professional.   If your blog is sloppily done, it could hurt you.   Blogging about your industry can be a great way to gain a positive reputation. Organize a Social  Network   If you have the time, consider organizing a social networking site online.   It could be an offshoot of another site or in response to your in-person networking.   If you see a need or a niche, taking the time and effort to fill it may get you noticed! Linkedin This site is a goldmine of information, networking resources and potential job opportunities. Industry Specific Groups Consider joining several industry specific networking groups.  Ã‚   This association  Ã‚  directory can help get you thinking about organizations in your arena. Etiquette   As you join social networks, chat rooms and groups, be sure to observe (lurk) before you chime in with your 2 cents worth.   You will come across more professionally  if you understand the etiquette of a site before you inject your opinions. Dont forget that networking isnt only about what you can get from others.   What goes around comes around be sure that you  make the effort to extend yourself in your networks.   Help someone else!   Provide a suggestion, a resource or an answer to a  question.   If nothing else, it is good karma!   Your Reputation As you put your name out there, be sure to keep track of how you are being indexed in search engines.   Google your name.   If anything negative comes up,   Lindsey Pollaks   blog suggests checking out  Ã‚   This company promises to get rid of unflattering online content.   Since many employers are supplementing reference checks with online searches, this may be a valuable tool.   Another great idea from Lindseys blog is to sign up for  Google Alerts  on your name. Google will  e-mail  you every time you are   indexed, and you can keep track of your virtual reputation. Consider the following tips that apply both to  on- and off-line networking:   Dont wait until you are looking for a job to begin networking. All leads are worth pursuing. Set networking goals.   Prioritize and focus.   Stay organized. Keep track of contacts, what you have learned and who referred you where.   (This can be especially important in the online world, where networks will intertwine.)   Research and be prepared. Always send a thank you note to everyone who helps you.   Cyberspace contacts appreciate knowing they had a positive impact, even if their comments or suggestions were not targeted to you.   If someones blog or suggestion helps you, let them know! Write professionally.   Spell check and use proper grammar. Be genuine, enthusiastic and confident in all networking communications. Keep adding to your contact list and continue networking, even when you have a job. Stay tuned for how to optimize your in-person career networking!   keppiecareers.comWe advise, encourage, enlighten!

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